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How to Safeguard Your Website from Hackers with Webroot?


As you know that the websites are the most important assets of our business. On Web, you usually hear about the news like hackers steal your sensitive information like bank details, or credit card information. So, you should be conscious about your websites as hackers can turn your website into malicious spy bot, hack your website database, or they can easily inject your content with malicious link. Now, it becomes necessary that you take very protective measures to safeguard your website against all kind of threat. The best thing which you could do is to protect your device and data is to install Webroot antivirus in your device and data through

Steps to Protect your Website From Hackers: wants their users to adopt these protective measures to secure your website.”

1. Install Security Plugins : If your Website is built on CMS (Content Management System), they offer security plugins so that you can improve the security of your Website. These plugins helps to protect your website against threat. You can opt for Sitelock, it helps in malware detection, vulnerability identification, active virus scanning etc.

2. Use Https : HTTPS is known as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. This secures your website and it transfer sensitive information between a website and a web server. This adds an encryption layer of TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to your website and protects it from hacking attempts. Https is very necessary for all online transactions and it will improve your search ranking also.

3. Build Layer of Security Around Your Site : For security purpose you must install Webroot antivirus software via on your PC before browsing. It has advanced firewall setting feature which protect your website. It monitors your incoming traffic, and also offers protection against Spam email etc.

4. Invest in Automatic Backups : In spite of everything there are still chances that you get attacked by hackers. If you do not have backup copy, you will lose your valuable data. If you have a backup you can recover your website easily. But if you forget to take a back up your website, then it is recommended that you should invest in the automatic backup which give you peace of mind.

If you still need more information, then just visit to the official website through For help and support, you can call on their toll free number anytime from anywhere.


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